The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler is a global organization comprising an elite group of people from around the world who are named David Kessler. Membership in The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler (or TISFTAODK) is strictly limited to candidates who meet at least one of the two following stringent criteria: 1) Your name must be David Kessler; OR 2) Give me $1,000,000.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

David Kessler, Superhero, Messiah

Of all the job titles David Kessler has held, this one takes the cake. The International Society For The Advancement Of David Kessler has highlighted careers of attorneys, artists, physicians, professors, and actors. Even several fictional characters were David Kessler.

But David Kessler was a Marvel comic book character named Messiah. Starting in issue number 97 of Defenders (July 1981), the mild-mannered (aren't they always?) David Kessler made his debut. According to the Marvel Comics website,

"David Kessler was a dreamer, an idealist who thought he could change the world just by preaching a message of peace. When others gave up on the message, David put his energies to better use--working at a school for handicapped children, and other, similar efforts. No matter how hard he tried, it never seemed to make a difference. Eventually he quit his job and went to Israel, to seek out his roots. After 20 days alone in the desert, an angel appeared to him, telling David that he was the one, true messiah foretold in the Hebrew scriptures. It filled him with divine power and sent him to begin his mission of raising the world up from its current state. Unbeknownst to David, however, the angel was actually the demon Hyppokri (or one of his agents), one of the demonic cabal known as the Six-Fingered Hand, and the power that filled him was anything, but divine."

"What were his super powers?", you ask? Marvel says, "Chief among his powers was the ability to heal others. He could also evaluate the spirit of others and see their true nature. He could summon an army of warriors--whom he believed to be angels, but were really demons not actually under his control."

The International Society For The Advancement Of David Kessler has ordered on Ebay several copies of the comic that David Kessler first appears in. You may want to secure your copy now before there is a rush to horde the dwindling supplies.