The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler is a global organization comprising an elite group of people from around the world who are named David Kessler. Membership in The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler (or TISFTAODK) is strictly limited to candidates who meet at least one of the two following stringent criteria: 1) Your name must be David Kessler; OR 2) Give me $1,000,000.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

David Kessler Stays Fit

Who can deny the importance of staying fit? Here's a photo of David Kessler stretching at 6:30am in Central Park following his morning run.

David is an editor in the educational publishing industry, according to Emily Wilson who took this picture and posted it on the Web.

This photo reminds me of those motion-triggered cameras that researchers put in forests to capture pictures of rare wildlife. Here we see the elusive David Kessler being photographed in his natural habitat. Beautiful plumage!

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