The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler is a global organization comprising an elite group of people from around the world who are named David Kessler. Membership in The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler (or TISFTAODK) is strictly limited to candidates who meet at least one of the two following stringent criteria: 1) Your name must be David Kessler; OR 2) Give me $1,000,000.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

TISFTAODK's Official Bird

Normally, I don't understand the need for a state to adopt an "official" bird, flower, tree, ball of twine, etc. The whole notion strikes me as silly. We here at The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler shun wanton silliness.

I would never have considered The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler to be in particular need of an official bird, either. However, I have inadvertently come across turdis kessleri (And no, it is not because I forgot to flush the toilet). Turdis kessleri is a species of feathered friend. It is a grand bird of the Himalayas. When I came across it, I was struck. Suddenly The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler was in dire need of an official bird. And there it was.

While it is no bald eagle, it is at least commonly named Kessler's Thrush. So, until I find a bird specifically named the David Kessler bird, the Kessler's Thrush is the natural ascendant to the position of official bird of The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler. By the way, the bird pictured here...his name is David. Naturally.

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