The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler is a global organization comprising an elite group of people from around the world who are named David Kessler. Membership in The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler (or TISFTAODK) is strictly limited to candidates who meet at least one of the two following stringent criteria: 1) Your name must be David Kessler; OR 2) Give me $1,000,000.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Another Dr. David Kessler

Put another Dr. David Kessler on the pile. Last year David Kessler was studying pediatrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine along with his wife Lauren who is studying internal medicine. They met at Princeton as undergrads and got married in April of 2005.

I don't know if they've graduated yet (I assume they have) or what they are doing this year. The Internet trail has run cold and it is a new school year now.
Perhaps David Kessler will give us an update and tell us what he is doing now.
Aww! But what a cute couple, though, huh?

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