The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler is a global organization comprising an elite group of people from around the world who are named David Kessler. Membership in The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler (or TISFTAODK) is strictly limited to candidates who meet at least one of the two following stringent criteria: 1) Your name must be David Kessler; OR 2) Give me $1,000,000.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Theatrical David Kessler of Many Talents

I'd post a picture of David Kessler (inevitably swiped from his site), but he says on his site that if others want to use content from his site, then they should contact him first. Perhaps I will. In the mean time, while we are waiting for his permission, let me tell you about David Kessler. David Kessler wears many hats. He works in theater both as "talent" and a producer. He also organizes the logistics of conventions and meetings, writes, edits, creates calligraphy and illuminated texts and he likes to sing and play musical instruments. Not only that, but he can also kick your ass with Tai Chi and a sword.

David Kessler also has pictures on his website that indicate he has been to the Middle East. That puts worldly representation of David Kessler on yet another continent/major geographical area. While he is not travelling, David Kessler lives in the Boston, MA area.

10/04/2006 - Update - Ah HA! I found a picture of David Kessler on another website other than his! Isn't the Internet great?

This is a picture of David Kessler being the executive administrator for the Center for Millenial Studies at Boston University. See the complete article at the BU Bridge newspaper.

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