The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler is a global organization comprising an elite group of people from around the world who are named David Kessler. Membership in The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler (or TISFTAODK) is strictly limited to candidates who meet at least one of the two following stringent criteria: 1) Your name must be David Kessler; OR 2) Give me $1,000,000.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Manuscript Microfilming David Kessler

David Kessler, as is the case with so many David Kesslers and I, share something in common. David Kessler is a manuscript microfilming coordinator and I used to work for a large corporation specializing in the microfilming industry, ProQuest Company, which you might recognize from it's old name, Bell & Howell. OK, so it's a weak commonality. What can I say? If you have spent any time in a libarry (ha ha I said libarry) you have probably used one of those hulking microfilm reading machines.

David Kessler's manuscript microfilm coordinating duties occur at the esteemed UC Berkeley Bancroft Library, where it looks like he has also spent a lot of time reading books. According to this webpage he's quite elloquent and it looks like (at least at one time) he experienced a rather deep existential crisis. He wrote,

"After enough years in the same town, the same building all day long, ploughing the same furrows and accumulating same on one's brow, one only with difficulty imagines that life could have been lived in a fundamentally different way. Alas, such casual thoughts inevitably crease one's brow even deeper, when the stock of years to come seems to evaporate, and the illusion that it's just a stage, a means to an end, tumble into the sobering realization that retirement is closer than commencement."

The copyright on that page is 1995. So maybe David Kessler is feeling better by now. Maybe he needs to get out of the libarry more often. Maybe the thrill of his new exclusive membership in The International Society for the Advancement of David Kessler is just the thing to bring a ray of sunshine to his life.


Sandwich said...

amazing. I had no idea that you had done this and that I was on the internet in this way. Let me say I am still helping to get manuscripts filmed, and I still am amazed by the wonders of this incomprehensible universe....

Sandwich said...

I had no idea that you had done this and that this page was up! Let me say that I am still helping manuscripts to get microfilmed, making bread, and finding myself floored by the incomprehensible nature and beauty of the universe!
Berkeley David Kessler

Anonymous said...

El dicho: Despus de una dieta Si no puedes planear, los beneficios de esta dieta y los efectos secundarios.
Tambin es muy bueno que hable con tu mdico acerca de esta dieta.
como perder a barriga Marilyn tomaba
frutas y verduras ricos en potasio, como la alcachofa, endivias, apio las dietas examinadas en el
artculo siguiente, usted ser capaz de hacer una mejor eleccin.

He aqu un gran consejo: si te gusta esta forma de ayuno, se puede llamar "dieta"
de esta francamente para acelerar o seu metabolismo,
uma vez que o corpo requer energia para digerir os alimentos.
como bajar la Barriga Si necesitas bajar de
peso, debe tratar de hacer cambios en tu dieta
y hacer ejercicio no beber refrescos o cortar azcares adicionales para lograr una dieta saludable.